
Overdose is preventable: know the signs
21 February 2024
In recent weeks, our community has experienced an increased rate of drug poisoning as a result of the contaminated drug supply. With more than 3,600 drug-related deaths in Ontario in 2023, this important issue extends beyond our city borders to many across the province. To combat this crisis, the Canadian Mental Health Association, Hastings Prince Edward (CMHA HPE) is sharing the signs of overdose and resources available to reduce the risk of drug-related death.
An overdose is a toxic amount of one or more substances that stop the body from working properly.
Signs of opioid overdose include:
- Slow, weak or no breathing
- Blue lips or nails
- Dizziness and confusion
- Choking, gurgling or snoring sounds
- Drowsiness or difficulty staying awake
- Person is not moving or responsive
Those consuming substances can reduce the risk by:
- having a naloxone kit available, and knowing how to use it
- not using alone
- using a small amount of an opioid first to check the strength
- not taking opioids with alcohol or other drugs (unless prescribed by your doctor)
- having their drugs checked where services are available.
CMHA Ontario has developed a free, easy-to-understand resource to help identify the signs of an opioid overdose and how to deliver life-saving naloxone.
The use of unregulated street drug supply increases risk as these substances are highly toxic with potent opioids that cause accidental fatal overdoses. CMHA supports safer opioid supply approaches in Ontario. Learn more about safer supply here. If you or someone you care about wants help with changing their drug use, help is available. Contact CMHA HPE or call ConnexOntario at 1-866-531-2600.