Addictions Treatment Services
Substance use is prevalent in our society, and for many, their use can result in significant adverse consequences in various life areas.
Addictions Treatment services are designed to improve health, social outcomes and quality of life of people with substance use concerns through offering direct client services.
Addictions Treatment
Community counselling/treatment which includes the following:
- Staged screening
- Initial and on-going assessment & treatment planning
- Referral to non-substance specific community resources
- Referral for peer support, withdrawal management, and residential treatment services.
- Case management services – including follow-up and aftercare services
- Brief intervention
- Lifestyle and personal counselling
- Structured relapse prevention
*Services provided are free, confidential and available for all individuals regardless of their stage of change or treatment goals.
* Sessions are in individual and group format with frequency and length of sessions varying depending on individual need and program outline.
Printable information about Addictions Counselling is available here (Pdf).
Referral Process
Anyone concerned about their substance use can access addictions and mental health support by connecting to AccessMHA Regional Coordinated Access to make an online referral.
Family/Significant Others
If concerned about someone else’s substance use, you can call CMHA HPE for information and referrals for further assistance.
Addiction Supportive Housing (ASH) Program
In March 2008, the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care began investing funds for the development of supportive housing programs across Ontario for people with addictions.
Primary Objectives:
- To reduce the frequency of re-admissions to addiction programs, and particularly to withdrawal management services
- To increase housing stability for people with problematic substance abuse who are homeless, at risk of homelessness or inadequately housed
- To reduce pressures on the emergency care and acute care system
Principles for Program Framework:
- Program is client-centred and responsive to the unique needs of individuals
- Program is responsive to relapsing nature of problematic substance use
- Services are based on a harm reduction approach and recovery model
- Housing support is integrated into the community
- Individuals should feel safe and secure in housing environment
- Addictions support services are provided through integrated housing coordination and addiction support services team
- ‘No wrong door’ regional coordination of access, application process
- Build on existing data systems in place such as the Drug and Alcohol Treatment Information System (DATIS) to measure client outcomes and ensure program accountability
South Eastern Ontario
The Addiction Supportive Housing (ASH) Program was developed as a regional addictions program with housing supports that is managed by Addictions and Mental Health Services – Hastings Prince Edward.
Program Components Include:
Securing and maintaining safe and stable housing in an essential part of this treatment program. To assist with this a rent supplement will be provided for variable time periods based on established need.
The program holds 16 subsidies in Hastings/Prince Edward County, 16 subsides in Kingston/Frontenac/Lennox & Addington and 16 subsides in Lanark/Leeds and Grenville.
Case Management/Supportive Counselling & Services
The Addictions Case Managers provide a full range of case management services in the individual environment of choice which include:
- Case co-ordination
- Community linkage
- Advocacy
- Safety planning
- Life skills training
- Financial management
- Relapse prevention and counselling
Primary Eligibility Criteria:
- Individuals with problematic substance use who are involved in or completed an addiction treatment program;
- History of multiple entries to the addiction system (community treatment programs, withdrawal management services, residential treatment programs….)
- Are homeless, at risk of homelessness or inadequately housed
- Individual is unable to obtain or maintain housing without support
- Willingness to identify harm reduction or abstinence substance use goal(s)
- Capable and willing to constructively participate in the ASH program.
Referral Process
Individuals currently engaged with CMHA HPE, AMHS KFLA or LLG should speak to their worker about a referral.
Referrals from other sources may contact CMHA HPE to obtain the referral form which is to be completed and returned to CMHA HPE by Fax 613-968-4312.
Once referral is received, ASH staff will review referral and contact the referral agent or individual to arrange a time to meet individually to explore the individual’s needs and discuss the program. Individuals who believes the program would be beneficial to them and are able to commit to the ASH program will be offered subsequent sessions with the Addictions Case Manager to establish and implement a plan to secure/maintain housing with addictions support.
Concurrent Disorders Case Management
The Concurrent Disorders program provides a holistic treatment approach for individuals that are experiencing both addiction and mental health issues in the Belleville and Trenton area . A Concurrent Disorders Counsellor provides specialized integrated service while supporting improved, long-term outcomes for individuals.
Integrated service recognizes that co-occurring disorders require a modified approach that is both coordinated and comprehensive. This program provides a wide range of services relevant to well-being.
Services include, but are not limited to:
- Community-based service offered in the client’s environment of choice
- Individualized assessment and treatment planning
- Supportive counselling
- Service navigation and coordination
- System advocacy
- Personal advocacy
- Family support and education
- Public education and consultation
- Linkage to CMHA HPE’s consulting psychiatrist
- Relapse prevention and crisis planning
Printable information about Addiction Supportive Housing is available here (Pdf).